Any national society on Trace Elements and Minerals can ask to the General Secretary to become official member of the FESTEM. It is a requisite that the national society has been officially legalized in the country.
Individuals working on Trace Elements and Minerals in any country are invited to become member of one of the national societies.
National Societies
- Associazione Italiana Per Lo Studio Degli Elementi In Traccia Negli Organismi Viventi (A.I.S.E.T.O.V)
- Société Francophone d´Etude et de Recherche sur les Eléments Toxiques et Essentiels (SFERETE)
- Gesellschaft für Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente e.V.(GMS)
- Sociedad Española de Medicina de Laboratorio. Comisión De Elementos Traza (SEQCET)
- Russian Society for Trace Elements and Minerals (RUSTEM). Российское общество медицинской элементологии
- Societatea Romana pentru Oligoelemente in Medicina (Romanian Society for Trace Elements in Medicine) (SROM)