

The abovementioned members declare:

Jean NEVE, Anne-Marie ROUSSEL, Representing the ‘’ Société Francophone d’Etude de Recherche sur les Eléments Trace Essentiels ‘’ (SFERETE); Peter BRATTER, Juergen KRUSE – JARRES, Representing the ‘’Gesellschaft für Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente’’ (GMS); Gianfranco VIVOLI, Paola BORELLA, Representing the ‘’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio degli Elementi in Traccia negli Organismi Viventi’’ (AISETOV). That an association was created according to the July 1, 1901 Law and August 16, 1901 decree and that its name is: FEDERATION DES SOCIETES EUROPEENNES SUR LES ELEMENTS TRACE ET LES MINERAUX (FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN SOCIETIES ON TRACE ELEMENTS AND MINERALS)


This association has as an objective:
– to promote the cooperation and the coordination of National Societies partners in the development of data on the scientific value of minerals and trace elements in domains such as research, methodology, materials, rules, education, codes of ethics and related subjects in Europe;
– To contribute to collaborations, broadcastings and exchanges of information concerning the scientific activities of the National Societies, including progress in basic and applied research concerning minerals and trace elements, in the following domains: analysis, physiology, epidemiology, molecular biology, medical diagnosis and therapeutics, pharmacology, preventive medicine, nutrition, toxicology, occupational health, and environmental protection;
– to contribute to the interdisciplinary exchanges of ideas between fundamental and applied sciences, to initiate research projects, to organize lessons and conferences, and to support publication and study conclusions of scientific research;
– to publish notices and information on minerals and trace elements for the medical profession and other healthcare or environmental occupations, as well as for government authorities and the global population.


The head office is located at: Joseph Fourier University, School of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Domaine de la Merci, 38700 La Tronche, FRANCE. The head office location may be changed by decision of the Board of Directors. Ratification by the Ordinary General Meeting is necessary in that case.


The association includes benefactors and active members or regular members.


Membership: To belong to the association, it is mandatory to belong to one of the founding National Founding Societies of the Federation.


The members are:The benefactors, people paying an entry fee and a yearly membership fee determined by the Ordinary General Meeting every year. Active members are those who take the commitment to pay an annual fee.


Exclusion: membership is lost by: a) resignation, b) death, c) exclusion decided by the Board of Directors for non payment of the yearly fee, or for a strong motive. The concerned member must be asked to stand in front of the board and defend his or her case.


The financial resources of the association include: a) Entrance fees and yearly membership fees; b) Grants and donations from public and private institutions.


Board of Directors:The association is managed by a board of 6 members, elected for 3 years by the Ordinary General Meeting among members of the National Societies, with 2 members for each National Society. These members can be re-elected. The Board of Directors chooses among its members, by secret ballot, an executive board including 4 members:a) A president, b) Two vice-presidents, c) A secretary The Executive Board can also require the help of 2 association members as treasurer and assistant secretary, elected for 3 years by the Ordinary General Meeting. These members can take part in board meetings but are not entitled to vote. In case of vacancy, the Board of Directors temporarily provides for member replacement. The final replacement is made at the next Ordinary General Meeting. The power of temporary members thus ends at the time when the replaced member’s mandate was to end.The Board is renewed in full every 3 years.


Board meetings:The Board of Directors meets at least once a year, and every time it is summoned by its president or on request by a quarter of its members. At least one third of the Board of Directors must be present to validate decisions.Decisions are taken by a majority of votes; in case of split decision, the president has a casting vote. Any member of the board having missed 3 consecutive meetings without an excuse will be considered as having resigned. Legal age is mandatory to be a member of the Board.


Ordinary General Meeting: The Ordinary General Meeting includes all members of the association whatever their status. The General Assembly meets once a year.Fifteen days before the set date, the secretary summons all members of the association. The agenda of the meeting is indicated on the summons.The President, assisted by board members, chairs the assembly and sets out the moral situation of the association.The Treasurer reports on his or her management of the finances of the association and submits the accounting documents to the approval of the OGM participants.Once all the points on the agenda have been reviewed, the outgoing members are replaced by a secret ballot vote. Only questions listed in the Ordinary General Meeting agenda can be addressed. The Ordinary General Meeting deliberations must be validated by a simple majority vote. Members absent for the Ordinary General Meeting may give mandate to another member of the association to vote for them; only one mandate is allowed per member.


Extraordinary General Meeting:As the need may arise, or on request of half of the registered members plus one, the president may summon an Extraordinary General Meeting, pursuant to directions provided for in article 10.


Internal regulations:Internal regulations may be prepared by the Board of Directors and adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting.These internal regulations are used to settle various points not mentioned in the statutes, especially those concerning the inner administration of the association.


Dissolution:In case of dissolution required by at least two thirds of the members present at the Ordinary General Meeting, one or several liquidators are appointed by the said OGM and as the need may arise, the assets are devolved in line with the Law of July 1, 1901 article 9 and the Decree of August 10, 1901.